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The rich smoky umami flavour of Shiitake just adds uniqueness to your dishes. It’s chewy structure and full-bodied aromatic taste will take your dishes to the next level.



Shiitake Mushroom is considered as a medicinal mushroom.  It has antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties.

  • Shiitake is known for boosting the immune system.

  • Shiitake has extremely high nutritional values. Fresh Shiitake mushrooms are a good source of zinc, iron and protein.

  • Ongoing studies are still being done on Shiitake but most studies show that it may help lower cholesterol and boost the immune system. There is current research on using Shiitake as immune booster for AIDS patients.

  • Shiitake is used in some eastern countries as an anti-cancer dug because of the lentinan.

  • Shiitake Mushrooms contains all 8 of the essential amino acids and vitamines such as B12, A, D and C. Shiitake Mushroom extracts contain a significant amount of 1,3 beta-glucan and lentinan.

  • Recent studies have also shown that Shiitake mushrooms help with the fight against cardiovascular diseases. It helps to protect the blood vessels by preventing too much immune cell binding to the lining of our blood vessels.


Google it and you will see the health benefits of Shiitake!

ABOUT Shiitake Mushrooms

Shiitake (Lentinula edodes) is an edible mushroom originated from East Asia. The name Shiitake derives from “Shii” and “take”.  Shii is the Japanese tree "Castanopsis cuspidate".  Shiitake Mushrooms grow in nature on the dead logs of the Shii tree. The Shii tree is related to oak and beech.  “Take” is Japanese for mushroom.

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